“Wheatake 11” Good Governance

“Wheatake 11” Good Governance

In this reflection I take some time to share a few ideas about good governance. I decided to do this as we cope with the current limbo which is the legacy of previous governance periods. When we speak about good governance, we are speaking about the system by which the Territory is controlled and operated. This includes the rules, reltionships, systems and processes which provide the authority and control in the exercise of duty. This duty includes oversight of operations, strategic planning, decision-making, and financial planning. We, generally classify governance as good governance when the institution and processes produce results that meet the needs of society justly, without fear or favour, making the best use of the available resources. Good governance aims to monimize if not wipe out corruption; it takes into account the voices and opinions of all groups within its jurisdiction; the decision making process, and responding actively to the needs of the community in a fair, equitable, and just manner now and in the future. Some of the principles that determine good governance are:
1. Participation by the people;
2. Rule of law observed;
3. Transparency practised,
4.Responsiveness in reasonable time,
5. Concensus oriented,
6. Equity and Inclusiveness,
7. Effectiveness and Efficiency,
8. Accountability
The secrecy which continues to plague rules, relationships, systems, and processes reflect a lingering of the slave mentality. We are not babies with undeveloped digestive systems, neither are we illiterate. Any behaviour that snobs us the electorate, I consider to be infra dig and unacceptable. It does not matter who our leaders are, it applies to those who have been trusted with the stewsrdship of the Territory.
Abraham Lincoln said, "when the white man governs himself, that is self government but when he governs himself and also governs another man, that is more than self government- that despotism."
We have been betrayed by carelessness, jgnorance, negligence, and arrogance and that warrants penitence and conversion of the guilty but not punishment of the innocent by suspension of the Constitution when the majority of us have not violated the Constitution. Jesus provided a pathway of redemption for the vilest of offender. If the offender seals his/her fate by rejection redemption, so be it. That's an individual affair not a corporate affair. I close with a word from Pope Francis:
"Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government must ask themselves two questions:
Do I love my people in order to serve them better?
Am I humble and do I listen to every body, to diverse opinion in order to choose the best path?
If you don't ask these questions your government will not be good."

- Dr. Charles H Wheatley