Integrity is an important ingredient in our daily lives. I recall hearing my elders remarked on several occasions "your true character is when dark night catch you." All of us at sometime or another heard that character counts in life. We learn how integrity of character works day by day and how it affects the results in the areas of life that matter most to us. I understand integrity to be
that quality of being honest, havimg strong moral principles, always doing what is right and good regardless of the immediate consequences, being righteous from the very depth of our souls, not only in our actions but, more importantly, in our thoughts and in our hearts. Albert Einstein expresses it another way:
" Whoever is careless with the truth in small things cannot be trusted with important matters."
When we use the term integrity we are referring to qualities of character like honesty, respect, trust, pride, responsibility,
keeping promises and helping others. If you reflect on these characteristics carefully, and meaningfully, you will have to conclude that Bob Marley was right on when he said: "The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and ability to affect those around him positively."
When you have integrity in your character people will trust you and rely on you more. It is easier to trust someone who stays true to their morals and values. People will take your word when you are someone who has integrity. You can tell if someone has integrity by looking for a few things in their behaviour. Here are a few:
1.Does she take responsibility for her action?
2. Does she put the needs of others above her own?
3. Does she offer help to others who are in need?
4. Does he give others the benefit of the doubt?
5. Is he honest in all things?
6. Does he show respect to everyone?
7. Is he a humble person?
8. Does he admit that he is wrong?
These check points can tell you if the other person has integrity.
At this time in our history it is important to draw the attention of all public servants to the importance of having integrity. Those who have been slighting it can make personal shifts in their character so that their relationships can be fruitful. They can improve their integrity by facing the demands of reality. This is important hbecause our character traits are more important hin our daily lives than our gifts, talents, and abilities. Did you see that lying chtistian? Did you hear about that corrupt banker? These are expression we hear from time to time.
God singled out Job as an idesl man of integrity. The Lord cherishes followers like Job who choose him and stick with him no matter what happens.
"Then the Lord asked Satsn, have you noticed my setvant Job? He is the finest man on the earth. He is blameless, a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil. And he has maintained his integrity even though you urged me to harm him without cause."
(Job 2:3 NLT)
"People with integrity walk safely but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall."
Proverbs 10:9NLT)
Let us all be watchful and mindful of our integrity in our daily lives.
- Dr. Charles H. Wheatley